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Two Martians

Martian Meditation 13

Martian Meditation 13

Regular price $50.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 USD
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The meditative Martians sit in silence within the temple, their minds focused on the eternal present. They are surrounded by the ancient stone walls of the temple, which have been eroded by time but still stand strong. The Martian atmosphere is thick and dusty, and the light from Mars's two suns filters through the windows, casting a pinkish glow on everything. The Martians breathe slowly and deeply, letting their thoughts come and go without judgement. They focus on their breath moving in and out of their lungs, feeling each sensation throughout their bodies. Time seems to slow down as they sink deeper into meditation; eventually all that exists for them is the moment they're inhabiting right now. As they meditate, they become aware of a deep peace inside of themselves - a peace that comes from being connected to something larger than themselves. This connection is what gives meaning to their lives; it's what sustains them through tough times and brings them joy during good times. It's always there for them when they need it, offering guidance and comfort along life's journey.


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