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Two Martians

Moolah Buck 11

Moolah Buck 11

Regular price $50.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 USD
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Once upon a time, there was an intergalactic traveler from the far away planet of Mars. His name was Karkon and he had come to Earth in search of adventure!

One day, while wandering aimlessly around town, Karkon stumbled across something rather strange – a 100 dollar bill with his own face on it! Naturally curious as Martians are wont to be (and feeling rather flattered), Karkon decided to investigate where this money came from and who created it.

To his surprise and delight (not least because what sane Martian could resist cash?), he soon discovered that the US Mint had produced these special bills featuring him as part of their “Martian Moods” series meant to celebrate America's long-standing fascination with space travel. Each note also bore some inspiring words about exploration written by none other than President Kennedy himself which read "We choose whether or not we go for tomorrow will bring us new horizons."

Karkon held onto that precious piece of paper - so rare here but surely common back home - like one might hold onto a sentimental memory: tightly gripping its edges yet lightly caressing them at once. After all, how often do you find your very own picture displayed prominently on another world’s currency? What an amazing experience indeed! Smiling broadly now knowing exactly why our little hero made such an epic journey out into outer space…for treasure hunting adventures beyond compare!


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